
Limone sul Garda: things to do and see

If you are looking for a place to fall in love, Limone sul Garda is the place for you!

In this article I will talk about the things to do and see in Limone sul Garda and that you can not miss if you visit this charming village. On the western shore of the largest lake in Italy, Limone sul Garda is the last Lombard town on the border with Riva del Garda, in Trentino Alto-Adige. According to tradition, it is precisely from the Latin word ‘limen‘, or border, that the place takes its name.

This picturesque village is nestled close to the mountains and it is a jewel location where colors, scents and beautiful views come together to give you an unforgettable experience. The colorful houses, flowers, the picturesque harbor and crystal-clear water make Limone a wonderful postcard, a place to get lost and then find yourself.

Limone sul Garda: things to do and see

The history of this place to visit on Lake Garda is really peculiar and fascinating, let me tell you something more.

Hard to imagine, but Limone in the past was very different from how we know it today.  The village was once a small isolated village, dedicated to fishing and olive growing. It is only with the domination of the Republic of Venice in the fifteenth century that the country begins its incredible metamorphosis. It expanded its activities, the first lemon houses were born and started a flourishing export of citrus fruits throughout Europe.

After the decline due to the First World War, the country lives in 1932 a turning point thanks to the construction of the Gardesana West road. From this moment, Limone opens to the world, resumes its activities and begins to be one of the most popular tourist destinations of the lake.

But it seems that the secular isolation of the country has also had positive aspects… Do not miss the next lines to discover a surprising curiosity of this place to visit on Lake Garda!

Did you know that Limone is known as the place where you live the most? It has been scientifically proven that, as a result of isolation, the inhabitants have developed a mutated form of apolipoprotein. This protein gives extreme longevity and protects against cardiovascular disease. A kind of gene elixir of long life! Think that out of a thousand inhabitants, about a dozen residents passed 100 years. Really a record!

Now that you are getting to know this charming village, let me tell you about the 3 things to see in Limone sul Garda. Take a notebook and write down the unmissable stages of your itinerary!

Limone sul Garda: things to do and see
Credits: Leonhard Niederwimmer 






Limone sul Garda: things to do and see
Credits: stevaleri (instagram), stefano valeri photography (facebook)


Limone sul Garda is undoubtedly an enchanted village, a timeless place where peace and tranquility reign supreme. Nestled between the lake and the mountains, the old town is truly a unique medieval village. Getting lost in the streets is the best way to discover the most hidden corners and fully appreciate its incredible beauty.

And so, you just have to forget at home the clock and worries (yes, for once you are allowed) and let yourself be guided only by instinct.  The walk will give you many surprises!

Walk through its tangled streets and admire the picturesque colorful houses, climb the stairs and reach the panoramic spaces, it will be a real pleasure for the eyes! Everywhere, jasmine flowers and bougainvillea waterfalls will give you beautiful views so beautiful that they seem fake, a real daydream.

And as you walk, don’t forget to look up! Each street name and street number are marked with delicious ceramic plaques decorated with lemons, a real treat! In your tour, I also suggest you visit the artisan shops, a way to get in touch with the essence of this place and why not, do some shopping. Here you will find many beautiful craft things to appear as souvenirs, a souvenir of this magical place

What to see in Limone sul Garda in a day? A walk in the picturesque center is the best way to start your visit to this unmissable place on Lake Garda.

Limone sul Garda: things to do and see

2. The beaches and the church of San Rocco

As you approach the lake, take a walk on the Marconi lakeside promenade, sip a drink in one of the many bars and enjoy the incredible view this country has to offer. Take the opportunity to see the various restaurants and choose where to eat in Limone sul Garda. Most restaurants offer menus with traditional dishes or special menus with all dishes based on lemon. If you visit the country in the summer I recommend you sit in the outdoor dehors. The landscape opens on the Veronese side of Malcesine and directly on Monte Baldo, not bad, right?

Continuing along the pretty Piazza Garibaldi you reach the marina, a quiet area made of colorful boats and houses that are reflected in the water. From here you can easily reach the Church of San Rocco passing through Via Porto and continuing along Via Navona.

The church, donated to the citizens after the plague of the sixteenth century, is located in an incredible vantage point.  Also striking is the peculiar fresco of the apse depicting the Madonna between San Rocco and San Sebastiano. Consider it a must on your tour and don’t forget your camera to take some pictures of the view!

Or head to the beaches, all not far from the center. A beautiful way to contrast the hottest days or to rest after the walk and visits.  Grostol Beach and Cola Beach are the ones I suggest for a relaxing day. If you are a sportsman, you will love Spiaggia Fonte Torrente San Giovanni and Spiaggia Tifu: a full-immersion of beach volleyball, surfing and sailing!

Want to know more about these and all the other beaches on Lake Garda? Here you can find our article!

Credits: photos_enry  e enrico_colesso


“The morning was magnificent, a bit cloudy, but, at sunrise, calm. We passed in front of Limone, with its gardens and terraces up the slope of the mountains; a spectacle of wealth and grace”.i grazia”.

These are the words that in 1786 the poet Goethe dedicated to the lemon houses, when, crossing the lake by boat, The lemon houses are places where history and nature meet and where tradition and love for their land have been handed down for hundreds of years. Imposing structures on several levels and covered by wooden beams, the lemon houses often enjoy an incredible view of the lake.

What to do in Limone with children? If you want to live an experience that combines fun and learning, a visit to at least one of the lemon houses can not really miss in your itinerary. During the citrus season, lose yourself among lemons, bergamots, oranges, grapefruits, cedars and so on! A fragrant vortex in a unique location. Get ready to take a few steps to reach them, but I assure you that it will be worth it!

But which lemon houses can you visit? Do not miss the next lines to find out what are in this place to visit on Lake Garda!

In Limone sul Garda you can visit 3 lemon houses: the Limonaia del Castél, Via Borghi and Tesol. The first, built in the early eighteenth century by the Amadei family, is undoubtedly the most famous. Passed on to numerous families, in 1995 it was handed over to the municipality and then was redeveloped in 2004, when it became open to visitors. To reach it, just follow the ceramic tiles around the streets of the village, you can not go wrong!

The Limonaia del Castél, like the others, is closed on three sides to allow the plants to be exposed to the sun. During winter, the terrace is covered to protect the plants from the cold, turning into a real greenhouse.

This historic stone lemon house is spread over several terraces, reachable through the small stairs on the sides.  The peace and tranquility that you breathe are truly unique and a walk in these gardens will be a very special experience. The silence that reigns supreme will make you feel obliged not to disturb them… yes, I’m talking about citrus!

Thanks to the explanatory panels, the visit also allows you to know the types of citrus present, the ancient methods of cultivation and the history of Lemon. In short, a 360º experience! 


Limone sul Garda: things to do and see
Credits: Jure Zakotnik


Limone sul Garda is easily accessible thanks to the construction of the Strada Gardesana that in 1931 made the village of Limone accessible by land. Do you want to drive to Limone sul Garda? If you are coming from the A4 Milan-Venice motorway, I recommend that you exit at Brescia est and then take the ring road towards Lago – Madonna di Campiglio – Salò. Once in Salò continue on the Strada Gardesana following the signs for Riva del Garda. On the contrary if you arrive from the north, the directions d to keep are for salò or Gardone Riviera. Once you arrive you have more places to park in Limone sul Garda, near the center there is the open lakeside parking or the multi-storey.

Limone sul Garda: things to do and see
Credits: Leonhard Niederwimmer 

Since there is only one road that crosses a long series of tunnels to reach lemon, often in summer it can be a bit crowded. A scenic and very suggestive alternative is to reach Limone sul Garda by boat.

Starting from Malcesine which is just across the river in about 15 minutes you reach the port of Limone sul Garda. The navigation service is guaranteed every day during the summer and with a frequency reduction in spring and autumn. You can see the times in the following article.

From Lake Limone it appears as a small group of houses from which emerges the high bell tower of the church of San Benedetto. But above all by boat you can see the picturesque expanse of lemon houses overlooking the coast. How to recognize them? They are long rows of white columns arranged in terraces directly in front of the lake, impossible not to see them! Coming by ferry you can also take your bike on board. Are you wondering why this should interest you?

Limone sul Garda: things to do and see


I’m sure at least once in your life you’ve been on a bike path, but have you ever crossed a suspended bike path? Yes, you got it right, suspended! In 2018, in Limone a spectacular cycle and pedestrian path overlooking the lake was inaugurated. 5 kilometres round trip connecting the village with Capo Remol, on the border with Trentino Alto Adige. He thinks that when the Garda by bike is completed, ring of the whole lake, it will be the longest track in Europe (140 kilometers) and will connect 19 countries!

The landscape opens on the shore of Verona, and without particularly sharpening the view, you can easily see the Monte Baldo, a real charm. The walkway is about 2.5 km from the center of Limone sul Garda and can be reached on foot or by bike. Alternatively, you can park your car near the bike path, but I warn you, there are not many places. In the walk that leads to the track, you will have the opportunity to admire the olive groves and sublime views of the lake. An appetizer of what you will see from the pedestrian path!

The Limone cycle path has intrigued you? Read on because there is much more to discover about this place to visit on Lake Garda!

The track, which today ends at the border with Riva del Garda, is considered one of the most panoramic in Europe and among the most beautiful in the world. The incredible landscapes that this path offers overlooking the lake are truly unique. Step by step, you will feel like you are entering a wonderful painting where blue and blue brushstrokes mix to give you a sublime atmosphere.

Suspended between water and sky, let yourself be caressed by the wind and carried away by the sound of the lake.  The warm embrace of mother nature will fill your heart and make you return home completely regenerated! For lovers of silence and peace at night, there is also the possibility to walk the track in the moonlight. The cycle path is open 24 hours a day. Let yourself be guided by the lights positioned on the path and lift your eyes to the sky to enjoy a universe of stars!


The village is a place to discover and enjoy, a magical place, where quality and tradition reign supreme. The ancient lemon groves and the production of extra virgin olive oil are in fact the pride of this heavenly corner. The local production represents a meeting between past and present, a way to pass on the tradition and a true dedication of love to this place.

For lovers of history, art and culture Limone Sul Garda offers an incredible plunge into the past. Here, in fact, you can visit some small museums that pass on and tell the traditions of this place.

You can start by visiting inside the Municipal Park (ex Villa Boghi) the Fishermen’s Museum. Much of the economy of the village was once based on fishing, with the opening of the Strada Gardesana occurred a shocking socio-economic change. This meant that the business was gradually abandoned. The Fishermen’s Museum collects objects, photos, various materials on fishing to allow every visitor to discover the ancient rural habits. Most of the objects were donated by the families of the former fishermen of the village and among these you can also see a typical boat used for fishing.

To appreciate and tell the development and economic transformation of this former fishing village instead was created the Museum of Tourism. Set up in the headquarters of the former Town Hall exhibits inside the many objects made specifically and sold to the first tourists of Limone sul Garda. Collections of posters, travel guides, souvenirs and photos of the holidays at Lake Garda of visitors. That began gradually to arrive with the opening of campsites, hotels and guest houses in Limone sul Garda.

If the list of things to do and see in Limone have not yet convinced you to visit it, let’s take a look at the events organized!

Porto di Limone
Credits: Alfred Stier


A Limone sul Garda di certo non ci si annoia! Durante tutto l’anno vengono proposti spettacoli, feste, mostre, sagre ed eventi enogastronomici. Un programma per tutti i gusti! Nella stagione estiva il paese dà il meglio di sé con concerti di musica dal vivo, feste per bambini, festival ed eventi sportivi.

Particolarmente amato a Limone è il mercato settimanale, tutti i martedì mattina sul lungolago Marconi. Abbigliamento, oggettistica, frutta, verdura, gastronomia e prodotti tipici del territorio. Se cerchi la qualità, questo è di sicuro il posto giusto. Concediti un po’ di shopping in una location da sogno, il tuo umore ti ringrazierà!

A coronare il fitto programma di appuntamenti…la Yellow Night a ferragosto! Un evento in cui il lago si trasforma in un incredibile teatro con protagonisti i fuochi d’artificio. Musica, attività per bambini e spettacoli pirotecnici in grado di dipingere con mille colori le acque del lago. Un must se sei a Limone nel mese di agosto!

Arrivati a questo punto, non posso che augurarmi che Limone sia la meta per il tuo prossimo viaggio o per una gita fuori porta. Preparati ad immergerti nella magia di questo incredibile luogo da visitare sul Lago di Garda!


GardaLanding: la prima agenzia turistica sul Lago di Garda

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