

GardaLanding: la prima agenzia turistica sul Lago di Garda

Lake Garda Tour by bus and ferry

One of the most frequent requests we get in our offices is about how to visit Lake Garda in one day. Obviously, multiple answers are possible based on the kind of person you are. One thing is sure though… If…

Hiking group 28 – 1 march

Hiking group 28 - 1 marzo

Lake Garda is a very appreciated destination. A point of interest for many schools, groups and associations.Infact, it is a perfect place to experience a variety of educational paths, thanks to its historical and artistic heritage.Every year, the interest in…

Peschiera boat walls tour 15 April 2022

gruppo ha scelto di scoprire la città in un modo diverso dal solito, possibile solo qui a Peschiera: con il tour delle mura in barca.

With the beginning of spring, the lake and the villages around the lake start to populated again by visitors, bringing back liveliness and movement. The Easter Holidays usually marks the beginning of working season. As most of the experiences and…