
Bardolino Wine Festival 2024

Bardolino 2024 Grape and Wine Festival. An unmissable event featuring conferences, food and wine stands, and music, all dedicated to wine.

Festa dell’Uva di Bardolino 2024

From October 3nd to October 7th , 2024, the Bardolino Lakeside will be the setting for the much-anticipated Grape and Wine Festival, now in its 93nd edition. As every year, the event officially kicks off the autumn season, and the program promises to be full of surprises. Read below to learn more!

Bardolino DOC wine

The Bardolino wine will be the absolute protagonist. With a fruity and delicate, yet fragrant taste, and a spectacular ruby red color. On the nose, it leaves a sensation of crispy red fruit and small berries, slightly spicy.

Festa dell’Uva e del Vino Bardolino

Program Bardolino Wine Festival 2024

Wineries from the surrounding areas, including those along Lake Garda, will showcase their finest products, all strictly DOC (Controlled Designation of Origin).

In addition to tastings at the booths, numerous exhibitions, conferences, and meetings on the theme will take place, featuring guided tastings by the Consortium for the Protection of DOC Classic Wine.

But the Bardolino Grape and Wine Festival doesn’t end there: theatrical performances, concerts, parades, and, above all, food and wine stands will make the event even more special. Between Punta Mirabello and Punta Cornicello, in particular, you will find typical dishes of the region. To conclude, on Sunday, October 6th, at 11:00 PM, a marvelous fireworks show will take place on the Bardolino Lakeside.

How to reach Bardolino Wine Festival 2024

[The presence of the shuttle for the 2024 edition is yet to be confirmed]

Getting to the center of Bardolino will be very easy, especially thanks to the free shuttle service offered by ATV. The service will be active at predetermined times, visible at the following link: SHUTTLE SCHEDULE

Starting from 7:15 PM, you will find the shuttle in Garda, Cisano, Lazise, Pacengo, and Peschiera del Garda. This shuttle is scheduled approximately every 45 minutes, including return trips.

The Grape and Wine Festival in Bardolino 2024 welcomes autumn, bringing together tourists, residents, and all those who want to celebrate the end of summer by toasting together. Will you be there?


GardaLanding: la prima agenzia turistica sul Lago di Garda

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