
Salò: things to see and do

Salò: the historic city of the Riviera dei Limoni

For several years I have been visiting Salò and, every time, I think it is one of the most beautiful villages on the lake. For this reason, I decided to share with you the best things to see and do in Salò. It is the perfect place to walk along the lakeside, have an aperitif and walk through the streets of the center.

Three things to see in Saló
Credits: fabio.f93 (IG)

Salò, located on the western shore of Lake Garda in the province of Brescia, is the first municipality of the Riviera dei Limoni. It is a town of 10,000 inhabitants, attracting many tourists in the summer. Known for its beauty and its historical significance during the Italian Social Republic from 1943 to 1945, Salò offers a charming experience with its scenic streets and lakeside.

A notable attraction is the Cathedral, also known as “Pieve di Santa Maria,” a Renaissance masterpiece featuring magnificent colors, marble columns, decorated altars, sculptures, and frescoes. Inside, it houses significant artworks, including the Gothic-style Ancona lignea by Bartolomeo da Isola Dovarese.

Three things to see in Saló
Credits: Emanuele Delai – Deleman89 (IG)

From what derives the name Salò?

The origins of Salò are mysterious, with theories ranging from an Etruscan queen named Salodia to its name deriving from “Salt,” reflecting its importance as a Roman colony rich in sea salt deposits. Regardless of when you visit, Salò is a must-see on Lake Garda, offering charm and activities year-round. While summer provides more options, winter visits offer sparkling air, evocative views, and the delight of hot chocolate in local bars.


1. Promenade at the Zanardelli lakefront and the beaches
2. Church of San Bartolomeo
3. Palazzo della Magnifica Patria

Three things to see in Saló
Credits: Maria Bosetti – Maria.santiago18 (IG)

1. Promenade at the Zanardelli lakefront and the beaches

Without a doubt, the first of the three things to see in Salò that I recommend is its fascinating lakefront.

Lungolago Zanardelli manages to combine natural beauty with architectural, with its modern structures and integrated with the surrounding environment. Thanks to the new project recently realized, you can walk along the lakefront with avenues, but above all with wooden, iron and masonry walkways. The route makes the village even more unique and manages to highlight the strengths and magnificence of the lake.

If you are with your children or seniors, there is no better walk than this to enjoy the lakeside and the fantastic views. In addition, the route is accessible to everyone, providing parts with steps always flanked by gentle climbs and descents. A further positive aspect is that thanks to this project, city traffic was eliminated on the lakeside, creating a pedestrian path available 365 days a year. However, pay attention if you are with children, there are not always protections, careful not to fall into the lake!

One of the most loved among the things to do and see in Salò: The beaches

In summer you cannot miss a swim in the lake to cool off and, even from this point of view, Salò will not disappoint you. The country offers, in fact, different beaches to choose from, according to different needs. If you are looking for a free beach and you do not need services and rentals, there are small and comfortable pebble beaches near the center. Despite being without services, they are very comfortable and functional, because they provide jetties and shade areas for the hottest days.

  • To find free equipped beaches I recommend the Tavine Beach, also for dogs, the Barbarano and Il Mulino, containing a “gym” for scuba diving.
  • Finally, I also want to mention a beach with a fee, the Rimbalzello, because it offers services and rental of all kinds.

Do you want one last tip to make the most of this place to visit on Lake Garda? I am about to give you some ideas I usually adopt.

Bring or buy a packed lunch to have a picnic on the beach or on a pier. You can eat it in front of a breathtaking view! My friends and I always go out to eat on the docks, and I can assure you it is a perfect alternative to a classic bar.

Church of San Bartolomeo
Credits: andrea tavelli – andreatavelli (IG)

2. Church of San Bartolomeo

Continuing with the list of the three things to see in Salò, I recommend you visit the Church of San Bartolomeo. Whether you are a hiker or a nature enthusiast, this is the site for you!

The Church is located in the homonymous village near Salò and is one of the oldest structures in the area, although preserved in an excellent state. The Church has a typical medieval architecture, simple and poor, with a clean facade, embellished only by a circular rose window.

The position of the church, above a mountain and reachable by foot fully embodies the Christian preconception of the time. The devotee considered the churches to be the object of pilgrimage, where the journey symbolized an obligatory way to reach heaven on earth after a long suffering.

The Church is one of the most popular and beautiful places to visit in Salò, thanks to the lush nature that surrounds it. To get there, in fact, you have to take a walk of 3 hours, following paths immersed in nature, and then reach a heavenly view at the end of the route.

Even the Park adjacent to the Church will not disappoint you, it is well maintained and with a forest of chestnut groves where you can reap the fruits. A curiosity about the park? In the past, the friars used these fruits to create medicines and miraculous ointments… who knows if they could still have some power today.

Are you looking forward to having more tips on this place to visit on Lake Garda? In the next few lines, I’ll tell you about the last place on the list.

Three things to see in Saló
Credits: @giuliafedereica_manzo

3. Palazzo della Magnifica Patria

The third place to see in Salò is the Palazzo della Magnifica Patria. Located in the historic center, this ancient building, now the seat of the Municipality, dates back to the 6th century. Although the original 1500 structure was damaged by an earthquake, its 20th-century reconstruction still impresses.

This palazzo, along with the Palazzo del Podestà, forms a unique complex divided by a charming covered porch, perfect for a shaded rest. Historically, it housed the confederation of 36 municipalities on Lake Garda’s Brescian shore.

The name Palazzo della Magnifica Patria dates back to 1496 when Salò, under the rule of the Serenissima, was honored with the title “Magnifica.” The lion of San Marco and the coats of arms on the porch reflect this storied past. Inside, don’t miss the Sala del Consiglio and Sala dei Provveditori, adorned with immense frescoes.

Beyond history, enjoy a walk along the lakeside promenade, visit the stunning Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunziata, and explore the vibrant local markets. Salò’s blend of history, culture, and scenic beauty makes it a year-round destination.

Salò events


After having shown you a list of the things to see and do in Salò, I present you briefly the events that could enrich your visit to the town.

  • If you are a music enthusiast, I recommend seeing the city during the “International Summer Music Festival of Garda”. This festival is organized every year in honor of the inventor of the violin, Gasparo da Salò, and attracts musicians, singers and orchestras from all over the world.
  • However, it is not the only event for music lovers, who will also be satisfied by “Filo di Arianna. Art as a cultural identity”. It also includes concerts, as well as art exhibitions, dance shows and the opportunity to eat good food and consume quality wine.
  • Sports enthusiasts can decide to enroll in a sailing course or attend the Salò Sail Meeting and the Regata di fine estate.
  • Since 2007, the city also hosts the Filmfestival del Garda for film fans.
  • Finally, if you go to Salò during your summer holidays, you cannot miss the Estate musicale del Garda, which takes place between July and August.

With this article I hope I have helped you in planning your visit with the best things to see and do. If you wish to know something more about boat tours leaving from Salò, click here.


GardaLanding: la prima agenzia turistica sul Lago di Garda

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